Install Node.js without admin rights
Hi Folks,
This is a copy paste version of one
of the blogs which helped me.Giving due to credit to him.Just wanted a copy of
the same with some minor updates.Below is the link for reference
Step 1: Get Node.exe
First you will need to download the
Windows Binary. You can get it from Node.js download
page or
For x64, you will have to download from the appropriate folder. Move the
executable to a local folder.
Step 2: Get NPM
NPM (Node Package Manager) is the
package manager for Node.js and you will need this for your development. You
can download NPM from and
extract the zip file to a local folder.
Step 3: Copy the extracted files in a folder
Copy npm.cmd from extracted folder \npm\bin to the folder where node.exe resides
Now move the extracted npm files in a folder named "node_modules\npm" in the same folder where node.exe resides.
Such that the structure become like this
node (Folder)
|--------- node.exe
|-------- npm.cmd
|--------- node_modules (Folder, copied from the extracted zip)
|----- npm
|---- bin (extracted files)
..... (extracted files)
Step 4: Configure the environment
PATH variable.
You need to set up the PATH
variable so that you can call node from anywhere in the system.
set PATH=%PATH%;D:\path-to-your-node;D:\path-to-your-npm
Mostly likely, the usual way of
setting environment variables may not be accessible or not sufficient for you.
instead you might want to hit Win + R (Open the Run dialog) and execute this:
rundll32 sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables
This command will provide you with
Environment Variables dialog box. You will be able to add/modify the PATH
variable for the current user.
Step 4: Testing your Node.js
Quick way to test your Node.js
installation is to get the version of Node.js that you are running by running
the following command:
node --version
Extra: Setting up NPM to work
behind a proxy
Apart from the hurdle of not having
admin rights, one common issue is working behind the corporate proxy. Fire up
your command line and type in the following:
npm config set proxy http://proxy:port
npm config set https-proxy https://proxy:port
If you need to specify the
credentials, then use the following syntax:
npm config set proxy http://username:password@proxy:port
npm config set https-proxy https://username:password@proxy:port
very impressive post. Thanks!